
PARSE JOURNAL, Issue 15, Violence: Embodiment, 2022.’Violence: Embodiment’ Published by Parse – Göteborgs Universitet

Cover of Parse Journal 15

Interview by Barbara Pavan, editor of ArteMorbida,on my art practice. Accompanied by a good number of images.

Article in the on line version  of Artemorbida  where the editor Barara Pavan talks to the artist me Fiona Davies on her art practice

Essay - Is that Cocteau’s horse?

Issue 016 of the ADSR Zine edited by Elia Bosshead and James Hazel was cocurated by Cementa22. I was asked to contribute and ended up writing about how I came to make my work for Carnviale Catastrophe, a stand alone exhibition presented by MAPBM as part of Cementa22.. As I was also curating the exhibition and we had an extensive suite of performances and public programes I didn’t get away from the exhibition until the last day of the four day festival. That was when I discovered Ivy Wawn’s choreographed video work. The links between the works were strong and I’m still thinking through the connections.

work by Fiona Davies 'Is that Cocteaus's horse? '(detail)

Violence of Medicine, a ten part series of short essays each on an aspect of The Violence of Medicine were first partially published on the blog from 20th January 2020. A downloadable pdf of this collection of essays will be available on this site in the near future. A significant body of work, Medicinae Vehementi is in development. The intention is to create a conceptually challenging video installation questioning the culture of violence within the healing/caring practice of medicine.

violence of medicine label_ (002).jpg

Cast a Cold Eye on Life on Death: The Remake: Medicalised Death in ICU. The thesis: Completed in 2019 this practice led PhD can be viewed/downloaded from the University of Sydney Library website at Cast a Cold Eye on Life, On Death is a quote from W.B.Yeats

Work by Fiona Davies 23 units of blood reconfigured as floor work  Narrandera NSW Australia .

and the catalogue of the examination exhibitons of all candidates from all visual arts degrees in 2019 can be seen at

Cover of the First issue of Visual Bind

Visual Bind issue 1

Cover of Parse Journal 15

Visual Bind issue 2