The card game Racing Patience ICU, was selected as one of the public programmes to be played at the Groundswell conference on death and dying at the Fairmont Resort in the Blue Mountains in 2019. The focus of the conference was arts and health or arts and death. The mission statement for the Groundswell project is for the organisation to ‘work with individuals, organisations and communities to improve how people in Australia die, care and grieve.’
This project Racing Patience ICU inhabits the transdisciplinary sites between science, technology and the arts. In this card game, the patient is comatose and has no agency, no ability to physically instruct the ICU team about their wishes. The characteristics of the end of life within an ICU are often driven by technology, and determined by what it is possible to attempt, not necessarily what is in the better interests of the patient. The process of dying is on occasion reported as excessively prolonged, painful and stressful for patients, families and medical staff. The ethics of the decisions made in this process can be questioned.