Lines in the Landscape, site specific work using white grass paint in the grounds of Old Government House and sections of Parramatta Park, 2008

The art theorist Lee-Anne Hall wrote in the exhibition essay that ‘ Largely schematic in type, Lines in the Landscape uses the simple methods and tools of the surveyor’s craft - chalked line markings and stencils- to trace two argicultural plots upon grass fields attached to the Govenor’s residence and surrounds in the early colony. The first plot lies upon an east west axis before Old Government House and sets out the plan of the orginal kitchen garden created in 1799 for Governor John Hunter. The second plat known as plot 12 lies north south and marks out the adjacent and more modest convict garden plots and living quarters. …….…. In marking out these garden spaces , artists Fiona Davies and Patricia Prociv have been active participants in the ongoing process of historical palimpset. Despite its patent historical accuracy, the lines upon the landscape as surveyed by Davies and Prociv, are not merely ghostly markings of what one was, rather they provide the visitor with new possibilities for reading the ground as a text, which continues to be written over. The ephemeral nature of the artwork provides such emphasis, whereupon it will recede in time, as winter rains fall, the grass grows and the foot traffic of those at play has its effect."‘

